Hairloss Treatments That Work May 04, 2024 Just as a garden requires diligent care to blossom, so too does a healthy head of hair necessitate continual nurturing. Upon noticing those first few strands entwined in my brush,...
Female hair loss: Understanding the causes and treatments April 08, 2024 Have you ever considered the complexity of the human hair, akin to a meticulously woven tapestry, each strand contributing to the overall aesthetic and function? Reflect on the delicate interplay...
Losing your hair? Don't lose your self-esteem March 26, 2021 If you are losing your hair then it is small comfort to know, a staggering one in five women suffer from hair loss. Sadly, many of them lose not just...
Hair Loss March 26, 2018 HAIR LOSS OVERVIEW The most common type of hair loss is a condition called androgenetic alopecia. This type of hair loss can affect both men and women. Other terms for...
Itching Head March 26, 2018 An itching head can feel as unpleasant as it can be unsightly. Scalp irritation is something that can strike us unexpectedly at any age and frustratingly linger, sometimes even for...
Dandruff and Scalp Psoriasis Treatment March 23, 2018 If your scalp itches and flakes you may require a dandruff shampoo, your doctor can tell if it’s just dandruff or a more serious problem like psoriasis, a disease that...
Guidelines for Scalp Irritation Problems with Hair Loss March 18, 2018 Below are listed some guidelines for scalp irritation problems with hair loss: For many people throughout the UK, struggling with either a chronic or temporary scalp irritation it is a...
Itchy scalp March 13, 2018 For many people throughout the UK, struggling with either a chronic or temporary itchy scalp it is a frustrating (and oftentimes embarrassing) reality. What’s more, due to the repeated trauma...
Hair Thinning - It happened to me! March 04, 2018 Hair Thinning -The story of one sufferer “Hair thinning is something that all of us dread. We wake up one day and see more loose hair on our pillows than...
Male hair loss, Address the Imbalance January 31, 2018 Male hair loss Identifying the Culprits Male hair loss is a complex thing. Caused by a multitude of influences, here at Julian Jay we’ve taken it upon ourselves to look...
Female hair loss, Explaining the Gender Gap January 25, 2018 Suffering hair loss is by no means a gender exclusive experience. Commonly overlooked, female hair loss or female pattern baldness is surprisingly widespread. Also known as androgenic alopecia, Julian Jay...
All Shapes and Sizes January 25, 2017 There’s no simple explanation to hair loss. Google your complaint and you’ll no doubt be presented with reams of scientific terminology and vague theories behind their causes, all the while...