
Health Disclaimer - The effectiveness of these products varies among individuals and time period and is not guaranteed to diagnose, treat, cure, or ward off any illness or disease. Individual results, effectiveness and experiences may differ significantly and are not necessarily typical or predictable. Any testimonials or before/after images on this site reflect the personal experiences of those individuals and are not a guarantee of similar outcomes for others using the products. The information provided should not serve as a replacement for professional medical advice or treatment. It's strongly advised to consult with your healthcare provider prior to making any changes to your established medical  treatments.

Allergy DisclaimerIf you have any skin disorder or any allergic condition, it is advisable prior to applying any Julian Jay product that you consult your doctor.

Although our treatments are completely natural and safe, we cannot be held responsible for any unforeseen outcomes, circumstances or medical conditions and consequences of using these products.

Content Disclaimer: The content on this site is meant for informational purposes only, and is not intended for use as official health consultation or recommendations. Julian Jay takes no responsibility for harm that may result from the use, abuse or misuse of information and products contained on this site.