Hair Loss

Hair Loss

HAIR LOSS OVERVIEW The most common type of hair loss is a condition called androgenetic alopecia. This type of hair loss can affect both men and women. Other terms for androgenetic alopecia include “male pattern balding” and “female pattern hair loss.” For many people losing their hair can be a devastating experience. Fortunately treatments are available that can help to regrow and prevent further hair loss. The hair follicle is where the hair bulb is formed. Throughout your lifetime, each follicle grows and sheds single hairs in a repetitive cycle. The Hair Growth Cycle It is very important to understand the hair growth cycle in order to recognize and understand many of the problems you can encounter with your hair. The hair growth cycle consists of three distinct stages – Anagen, Catagen and Telogen. Anagen Phase Hair grows at approximately half an inch per month and slightly faster in summer than in winter. The growth phase, ( Anagen phase) lasts an average of 3-5 years, so a full-length hair averages between 18 to 30 inches. The Anagen phase is generally longer in Asian people and can last as long as 7 years with hair being able to grow to 1 metre in length. Catagen Phase Signals sent out by the body ( only selectively affecting 1% of all hair on one's body at any given time) determine when the Anagen phase ends and the Catagen phase begins. The first sign of the Catagen phase is the cessation of melanin production in the hair bulb. The Catagen phase, also known as the transitional phase allows the follicle to in a sense, renew itself. During this time which lasts about two weeks, the hair follicle shrinks and the papilla detaches and "rests," cutting the hair strand off from its blood supply Telogen Phase Finally, your hair enters the Telogen phase, a resting phase where the hair is released from the follicle and falls out. The follicle then remains inactive for approximately 3 months, then whole process is repeated. Each hair follicle is independent and goes through the growth cycle at different times , otherwise all your hair would fall out at the same time. It is normal to shed approximately 80 hairs per day from a healthy scalp. Hair loss, hair thinning and problems with hair growth occur when your hair growth cycle is disrupted. This can be triggered by conditions due to metabolic imbalance caused by pregnancy, shock, illness or poor diet etc. For example, as a result of a prolonged strict diet, shock or a high fever you can experience Telogen effluvium (severe hair loss). This occurs when the Anagen phase is cut short and many hairs enter the Telogen phase all at the same time. On a healthy scalp, approximately 80 to 90% of the hair follicles will produce hair growth at any one time. It is normal to lose approximately 80 hairs per day, anything in excess of this would indicate excessive hair loss which should be monitored and treated. In both men and women androgenetic alopecia,( hormones related to testosterone also known as androgens and/or dihydrotestosterone DHT) cause hair follicles to have a shorter than normal growth phase. This is due to the effects of DHT which slows the blood supply to the scalp thus depriving the hair follicles of their vital supply of nutrients carried by the blood. This results in hair follicles that are incapable of supporting normal healthy hair growth. Genetics play a vital role in the risk of androgenetic alopecia in both men and women, although other factors (some of which remain unknown) may also be important. As an example, abnormal levels of androgens DHT in the blood are the cause of androgenetic alopecia in both men and women. HAIR LOSS SYMPTOMS Men and women experience androgenetic alopecia with equal frequency, although it may be camouflaged better in women. In men, androgenetic alopecia is characterized by gradual hair thinning that most often affects the crown and frontal areas of the scalp. In many men, the hairline around the temples receeds. As it moves back to the mid scalp, an M-shaped hair pattern develops. The hair in areas affected by hair loss may be of various lengths and thickness, and the presence of uneven lengths and texture is a classic sign of male pattern balding. Women may have similar patterns of hair loss, although typically the hair loss is more diffuse,being generally more evenly spread out over the entire scalp. In men it follows a typical pattern,affecting the front and crown of the head. Unlike some men, women rarely experience loss of all their hair. HAIR LOSS DIAGNOSIS Androgenetic alopecia can usually be diagnosed by examining the scalp. In some cases, you will need blood tests to look for other causes of hair loss, for example changes in hormone levels, low iron levels (anaemia), or thyroid problems etc. PSYCHOLOGICIAL IMPACT OF HAIR LOSS The psychological impact of hair loss can be very severe for some people, both male and female, since there is little understanding or acceptance of the condition. Both men and women may have difficulty with issues of low self-esteem or feeling unattractive. RESTORING THE VITAL BLOOD SUPPLY TO THE SCALP IS OF VITAL IMPORTANCE HAIR LOSS TREATMENTS THAT WORK Regular shampooing prevents the build-up of harmful bacteria that can lead to irritation and scalp damage. All Julian Jay PROFOL shampoos are designed for daily use so you can be assured you will not be creating any problems. Used daily a bottle of PROFOL shampoo or lotion will on average last 6 – 8 weeks so is very economical. I include further important information below for your guidance Prevention is so much easier than to re-grow lost hair which takes patience and persistence. However, all is not lost once the circulation to your scalp is being boosted and restored on a daily basis. By using our PROFOL Advanced Formula Hi-Potency shampoo and lotion spray, any hair follicles that are dormant and not dead will gradually re-awaken. Therefore the dormant hair follicles will begin to restore growth, but you should be aware that any dead hair follicles are just that, they are dead. Looking from the outside will not give you any insight into the quantity of follicles which are either dormant or indeed dead. It is a matter of starting treatment and being patient in the knowledge that they will not all be dead. Guidelines for hair loss problems: Profol Advanced Formula Hi-Potency Shampoo can be used daily but should be used at least twice weekly to prevent the build-up of sebum plugs. After application the scalp often reddens and feels warm and tingly. This is normal whilst the blood supply is being boosted to the hair follicles and can last for up to 20 minutes. The shampoo can be used daily on its own as the only treatment, however for a more potent effect we recommend the use of the lotion spray at the opposite end of the day, therefore boosting the blood supply to the hair follicles for a second time. Within approximately three weeks the hair loss will have slowed to normal levels and the problem will not get any worse with continued use of the Profol Treatments. Many clients report new hair growth within 12 months whilst many take much longer, therefore a sensible patient approach to treatment is advised. Profol Advanced Formula Hi-Potency Lotion spray The Lotion Spray should be applied daily, morning and night between shampoos. It is not sticky so does not need to be rinsed out. After application the scalp often reddens and feels warm and tingly. This is normal whilst the blood supply is being boosted to the hair follicles and can last for up to 20 minutes. Within approximately three weeks your hair loss will have slowed to normal levels and the problem will not get any worse with continued use of the Profol Treatments. Many clients report new hair growth within 12 months whilst many take much longer, therefore a sensible patient approach to treatment is advised. Guidelines for scalp irritation problems with hair loss: Profol Scalp Clear Treatment Shampoo will control the itching very quickly. Due to its extreme mildness, Profol Scalp Clear Treatment Shampoo is extremely successful in treating a huge range of scalp problems. It is formulated with TEA Laurel Sulphate which is a very mild and expensive surfactant. It also contains a very low dosage of the active ingredient, PIROCTONE OLAMINE. Shampoo daily with Profol Scalp Clear Treatment Shampoo for the first week or so or until your scalp problem clears. Then every other day for around two weeks and if no problems occur, then go to every third day or twice weekly, which is the maximum you should leave it between shampoos. However, from my own personal experience the more often you shampoo with Profol Scalp Clear Treatment Shampoo, the better the results will be. Once the problem is under control it is advised that you continue to use Profol Scalp Clear Treatment Shampoo as your regular shampoo. hair lossWith regard to the hair thinning problem I would recommend Profol Advanced Formula Hi-Potency Lotion spray which can be applied daily, morning and night. It is not sticky so does not need to be rinsed out. After application the scalp often reddens and feels warm and tingly. This is normal whilst the blood supply is being boosted to the hair follicles and can last for up to 20 minutes. Within approximately three weeks your hair loss will have slowed to normal levels and the problem will not get any worse with continued use of the spray. Many clients report new hair growth within 12 months whilst many take much longer, therefore a sensible patient approach to treatment is advised. Contact us online today Julian Jay Consultant Trichoanalyst